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Saturday, October 11, 2008

Text Expander Lists

Over the past six months, we've posted almost 30 lists of text expanders to help you grow your own lists. If you haven't taken the time to browse through the lists, here are a few to get you started:

Financial text expanders (especially important as we approach financial earnings call season in the coming weeks!), 1, 2 and 3

Election 2008

I don't... and I (d0)... phrases

Christian terminology

Common phrases (A-C, D-K, L-O, P-Z)

And many more...

Come chat with us at TranscriptionTalk.com. We want to know how you utilize these lists. Do you add them all and try to implement them once they're entered? Do you refer to the lists, adding a couple more each time? Do you just read through them and keep them in the back of your mind and add them when you think you'll remember them?