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Friday, January 23, 2009

Saving Time with Templates

Setting up your transcription documents can be time consuming, especially if you have multiple contracts. Generally each company has their own specialized formatting that is consistent between files, so just the text changes between documents.

Templates are a useful way to increase your transcription productivity, and they couldn't be easier to set up. By setting up a Word template, you can concentrate on accuracy and grammar and leave the formatting up to the template.

A word template can be much more than just formatting though. In addition to formatting, it can contain styles, boilerplate text, headers, footers, and macros, as well as dictionaries, toolbars, and AutoCorrect entries.

6 Easy Steps to Set Up a Template:

1. Create your document. Setup your document per your contract's guidelines. Remember that you can add any of the specialized formatting or tools listed above.

2. Click on File and then Save.

3. In the File name: box give your template a name that you will easily remember. I generally name them by contract. If I have more than one client or format within a contract, then I'll name by contract and any other identifying criteria.

4. In the Save as type: box, select Document Templates (*.dot).

5. Choose the save location for your templates. I have a folder set up where I save all of my transcript templates.

6. Click Save.

Now that wasn't so hard, was it?

And here's a tip that will make it infinitely easier. If you receive a previous transcript as an example for formatting, just delete the text from it and use it to create your template. The formatting is already done for you, so there's no need to reinvent the wheel!