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Sunday, September 28, 2008

A Look Back at September

September has been a busy month here at Transcription Talk! We launched our ebook in late August, and we've sold over 35 copies so far with a lot of positive feedback. We have several affiliates selling the books on their own blogs and forums as well, and we're excited to start marketing it more widely ourselves as well. We truly believe that this book contains the information necessary for the reader to get started as a work-at-home transcriptionist, and we can't wait to hear the success stories of those who've purchased it.

Last week we launched our redesigned blog as well. We think it's cleaner and simpler to navigate, and we hope it encourages you to come visit us more often, browsing the archives and leaving comments on posts. We love to hear from you about the topics we cover that are helpful, the different ways you approach things and topics you'd like to see covered.

We've continued look at the many purposes of commas and will continue through October along with other grammar tips, such as distinguishing between homonyms and common grammar mistakes. If you have a grammar question that hasn't been covered yet, let us know, and we'll do our best to cover it.

Tara launched a series on budgeting and the financial factors that play into being a work-at-home mom and how to determine if it's feasible for your family. She's covered tracking your expenses and then analyzing them and will be looking at creating a budget, the ways you save money just by staying home and ways to cutback your expenses.

In addition, we've talked about getting started, hardware and software, and have quite a few posts on maintaining professionalism as an independent contractor. As always, we continue to offer tips for using text expanders and add to our lists of text expanders to help you come up with your own. Look for another ShortKeys giveaway starting on October 6th!

We're also excited to announce that we now have more than 215 subscribers via e-mail and blog readers. We continue to be committed to helping you work smarter and earn more, and we appreciate your confidence in us!

Looking forward to another great month in October!